We have undergone a rigorous technical examination process and are monitored regularly for expertise in:
National Security Inspectorate Gold
NACOSS Gold approved and ISO9001 Quality Assured for intruder alarms, closed Circuit television and access control. NACOSS (the National Approval Council for Security Systems).
FIRE Gold approved and ISO9001 Quality Assured for fire alarms.
NSI are recognised as the industry standard security systems approvals body. Our NACOSS approval means we are able to offer our customers the peace of mind that comes from a security system designed, installed and maintained to the current British and European Standards.
British Approvals for Fire Equipment
BAFE (British Approvals for Fire Equipment). BAFE is an independent organization dedicated to improving standards in fire protection. BAFE is the registration body for Companies who achieve third party certification for their fire protection services. Companies who are registered to BAFE schemes demonstrate a commitment to service excellence.